
32 stories.

Paragon buffy/jonathan general
Only true love's kiss will wake her. But who's her true love?
1036 words; reading time 4 min. 2007/02/06
Gunpowder Tea buffy/wesley general
Wesley's in Cleveland, cleaning up after Merrick's career. He thinks he doesn't have a Slayer.
2238 words; reading time 8 min. 2008/02/18
Fenrisulfrethan/dawn mature
Dawn escapes from a boring summer at the Hyperion by finding a job. The job isn't quite what it appears. That's okay: neither is Dawn.
11565 words; reading time 39 min. 2007/08/27
Arms and the Mangiles/buffy mature
An ancient order of knights makes Giles an intriguing offer, but both the Order and the Council seem to think he has to give up Buffy first. Buffy has her own opinion about that.
48032 words; reading time 161 min. 2011/07/18
Breathinggiles/buffy mature
Power and life. Mages and Slayers. And what Giles did during his months away.
21596 words; reading time 72 min. 2006/12/24
A Rooted Sorrow giles/buffy adult
The four times it happened before. And once it didn't quite.
4463 words; reading time 15 min. 2007/11/02
Thusiagiles/buffy mature
Prophecy chases Buffy in the Los Angeles summer. Giles thinks he knows how they might elude it.
20246 words; reading time 68 min. 2007/06/21
An Antique Romangiles/ethan general
Ethan has his own opinion about what constitutes amends, as owed by a vampire to his victim. Or by a chaos mage to his oldest friend.
10739 words; reading time 36 min. 2007/10/07
Breaking Glassgiles/ethan adult
Ethan takes Giles for a weekend away from Council pressures, and Giles travels considerably further than either of them had expected.
9816 words; reading time 33 min. 2006/10/20
Gas-ring Alchemygiles/ethan mature
Rupert, this is my friend Ethan. Don't believe a word he says.
6623 words; reading time 23 min. 2007/01/25
Blessedgen general
Malcolm has a secret: he's not entirely human. Everybody else seems to think it's a blessing, but he knows he's cursed. And he knows he deserves to be cursed. Banner image by Britt Sabo.
31457 words; reading time 105 min. 2017/04/25
The Co-Conspirators gen general
Rupert is taken shopping in London by his grandmother.
1800 words; reading time 6 min. 2008/02/24
The morning after firing a gun in a tiny room.
2096 words; reading time 7 min. 2009/07/19
A Short Restgen general
Xander's convinced it's Hellmouthy, but probably it's just the flu.
4748 words; reading time 16 min. 2008/10/09
Smoke gen mature
Ripper's thinking clearly for the first time in years.
724 words; reading time 3 min. 2006/08/20
Giles wonders if he's achieved escape velocity. Probably not.
4246 words; reading time 15 min. 2007/08/27
Les Bijoux giles/jenny mature
Giles thinks too much.
1956 words; reading time 7 min. 2007/09/10
Hazy Solos giles/oz/xander adult
Somebody's been set up. Who? Only Xander knows for sure.
2838 words; reading time 10 min. 2007/05/06
Amends giles/wesley mature
Wesley’s waiting when Giles arrives with Willow.
1483 words; reading time 5 min. 2007/08/27
Dust on his hands from the skygiles/xander mature
Xander flees to the place Scoobies go when they can't be near the Slayer any more. But the Hellmouth has a few last kicks in the gut to land before it's done with everyone.
25170 words; reading time 84 min. 2007/05/26
Owned 5: Two Lit FusesMalcolm/Clara adult
Malcolm's been waiting for this night all week. It doesn't go as planned.
4595 words; reading time 16 min. 2015/04/19
Traveling HopefullyMalcolm/Clara adult
Malcolm is returning to London from self-imposed exile on a remote island, but a storm has delayed the ferry. To his annoyance, somebody else is also stuck waiting for the same ferry. She had better not be a reporter.
7788 words; reading time 26 min. 2015/01/18
Only OncePeter/Jenna mature
One go, that's the agreement. He gets one go with someone else. Jenna is not surprised, somehow, when he tells her he'd like it to be her.
4029 words; reading time 14 min. 2016/01/05
The WallPeter/Jenna mature
It's his wall this time, darn it. Peter is going to paint it and nobody's going to beat him to it.
7721 words; reading time 26 min. 2015/08/29
Breathing SculpturesTwelve/Clara mature
They're back in the TARDIS, and he doesn't bring her home straight away. He won't admit he wants more than what he has.
1953 words; reading time 7 min. 2015/10/17
Decoherence Twelve/Clara general
"You were the one I wanted most to stay. But time could not be kept at bay. The more it goes, the more it's gone - the more it takes away." - Poem by Lang Leav, prompt for Twelve about Clara*
718 words; reading time 3 min. 2015/02/07
The Deep and Lovely DarkTwelve/Clara teen
The Doctor is afraid to sleep and eventually it catches up with him.
3288 words; reading time 11 min. 2015/08/21
Solar FlaresTwelve/Clara general
Two sentient stellar beings, in close orbit around each other, exchanging plasma, in an epic romance that had taken millennia to consummate. One would envelope the other in a few million years, and then they would burst outward in a supernova, bringing their love to a spectacular end. Their light and their love would be ash, but not now, and not any time soon. Today, now, in the glory days of their love -- or so the Doctor described it -- their names swirled across their surfaces as sunspots, dots and whorls in the plasma. The written language of stars.
5990 words; reading time 20 min. 2016/12/03
The Strategist Twelve/Clara general
Victorious Queen Clara's guards bring her a captive that suit her very specific tastes: gray-haired and lean. This one isn't what he appears to be, however.
1574 words; reading time 6 min. 2015/06/27
Teacupstwelve/clara general
He was a teacup that could be dropped. He knew it because he'd been dropped before. He was a teacup that had been mended over and over.
3902 words; reading time 14 min. 2015/12/05
The ThiefTwelve/Clara mature
This is what happened in between the Doctor's visit to Gallifrey's coordinates and the meeting in the cafe.
9677 words; reading time 33 min. 2014/12/24
The Wedding Tree Twelve/Clara mature
For once an encounter with an advanced civilization was not going to end in war, catastrophe, disaster, or even a pell-mell run toward something or away from something. It was just a lovely thank-you ceremony for the two of them, that's all, followed by a lovely night high up in a tree house. With one bed. Wait.
5577 words; reading time 19 min. 2014/11/06