
3 stories.

Fenrisulfrethan/dawn mature
Dawn escapes from a boring summer at the Hyperion by finding a job. The job isn't quite what it appears. That's okay: neither is Dawn.
11565 words; reading time 39 min. 2007/08/27
An Antique Romangiles/ethan general
Ethan has his own opinion about what constitutes amends, as owed by a vampire to his victim. Or by a chaos mage to his oldest friend.
10739 words; reading time 36 min. 2007/10/07
Dust on his hands from the skygiles/xander mature
Xander flees to the place Scoobies go when they can't be near the Slayer any more. But the Hellmouth has a few last kicks in the gut to land before it's done with everyone.
25170 words; reading time 84 min. 2007/05/26