
4 stories.

Paragon buffy/jonathan general
Only true love's kiss will wake her. But who's her true love?
1036 words; reading time 4 min. 2007/02/06
Fenrisulfrethan/dawn mature
Dawn escapes from a boring summer at the Hyperion by finding a job. The job isn't quite what it appears. That's okay: neither is Dawn.
11565 words; reading time 39 min. 2007/08/27
Breathinggiles/buffy mature
Power and life. Mages and Slayers. And what Giles did during his months away.
21596 words; reading time 72 min. 2006/12/24
Dragon's Heart gen general
The sword dreams, and Giles dreams with it. Of what? And to what end?
8890 words; reading time 30 min. 2007/01/31