An ancient order of knights makes Giles an intriguing offer, but both the Order and the Council seem to think he has to give up Buffy first. Buffy has her
own opinion about that. 48032 words; reading time 161 min. 2011/07/18
Giles commits an indiscretion, and gets into a spot of trouble. Buffy has a few opinions about that. Mid season 4, before "A New Man". 11447 words; reading
time 39 min. 2007/04/05
Buffy settles into command of her liegeman, but finds that the rest of her life is complicated, and dangerous where she'd expected safety. 24356 words;
reading time 82 min. 2008/03/25
The timing is going to be tight, but they should be able to deal with the demon and get back home before the heat starts. Giles is sure of it. Famous last
words. 17124 words; reading time 58 min. 2012/07/22
Giles steals a dangerous artifact, then goes out to dinner with Buffy. Their night becomes more interesting as it progresses. 3069 words; reading time
11 min. 2007/01/08