
5 stories.

Normalbuffy/oz/xander adult
Parker wasn't enough for Buffy. She needs more. She's not normal.
3125 words; reading time 11 min. 2008/12/12
Emergencegiles/buffy adult
Giles emerges from his shell after Scooby encouragement and a little manipulation from Oz.
7580 words; reading time 26 min. 2006/06/04
Initiationgiles/buffy adult
When a Council representative makes assumptions about his relationship with his Slayer, Giles must come clean to Buffy about the true natures of Watchers and of Slayers.
27324 words; reading time 92 min. 2007/01/08
A Quiet Nightgiles/oz adult
Words spoken and unspoken. Giles learns.
1572 words; reading time 6 min. 2007/01/21
Hazy Solos giles/oz/xander adult
Somebody's been set up. Who? Only Xander knows for sure.
2838 words; reading time 10 min. 2007/05/06