Malcolm's bit of solo experimentation with bondage has gone horribly wrong. To his horror, coworker Clara appears to rescue him. Clara decides to demand answers
to a few questions before setting him free. 3783 words; reading time 13 min. 2015/04/08
Malcolm's first date with Clara, and his first time doing a lot of things. He's as nervous as he ever gets, not that he's admitting it. 4331 words; reading
time 15 min. 2015/08/16
Malcolm should have known better than to tell Clara about his fantasies, because she's exactly the kind of woman who takes them as a challenge. Now he has
to get through a day in Whitehall. 3854 words; reading time 13 min. 2015/05/16
Submission. Self-abnegation. A million big words that Malcolm might use when he was forced to talk about it. Jamie had other words, simpler ones. Malcolm belonged
to him. 1190 words; reading time 4 min. 2016/01/16
Julius has an angry, tired Malcolm on his hands-- over-tired, hungry, out-of-control. Fortunately they have a ritual that helps in these cases. 22130 words;
reading time 74 min. 2017/04/06