Buffy has run away to seek an ordinary life. Giles finds her, and tells her she can have it. That should be the end of the story. 9824 words; reading time
33 min. 2009/09/16
Ethan has his own opinion about what constitutes amends, as owed by a vampire to his victim. Or by a chaos mage to his oldest friend. 10739 words; reading
time 36 min. 2007/10/07
Malcolm has a secret: he's not entirely human. Everybody else seems to think it's a blessing, but he knows he's cursed. And he knows he deserves to be cursed.
Banner image by Britt Sabo. 31457 words; reading time 105 min. 2017/04/25
Xander flees to the place Scoobies go when they can't be near the Slayer any more. But the Hellmouth has a few last kicks in the gut to land before it's done
with everyone. 25170 words; reading time 84 min. 2007/05/26
They're back in the TARDIS, and he doesn't bring her home straight away. He won't admit he wants more than what he has. 1953 words; reading time 7 min.
"You were the one I wanted most to stay. But time could not be kept at bay. The more it goes, the more it's gone - the more it takes away." - Poem by Lang
Leav, prompt for Twelve about Clara*
718 words; reading time 3 min. 2015/02/07
The Doctor looks deep into Clara's eyes... and to his horror realizes that the bonding has been triggered. He must either mate with Clara or die. He chooses
death. 5094 words; reading time 17 min. 2015/09/12
This is what happened in between the Doctor's visit to Gallifrey's coordinates and the meeting in the cafe. 9677 words; reading time 33 min. 2014/12/24