
20 stories.

Back by Teatime giles/ethan mature
Rupert and Ethan are bored, wishing for adventure, and expecting never to find one. And then a police call box appears in the most unlikely of places.
1462 words; reading time 5 min. 2007/11/26
An accident with a magical artifact sends Giles into the past. Can the specialist in hopeless cases help him before the artifact is lost and he is forever stranded?
19583 words; reading time 66 min. 2006/08/17
Baritsu gen general
Buffy demands an explanation.
1004 words; reading time 4 min. 2008/03/11
Legacies gen general
Uncle Charles's last will and testament, the rackety old bastard.
1783 words; reading time 6 min. 2009/07/27
OkayMalcolm/Clara mature
Clara has some news for Malcolm. Malcolm takes it in his stride. His penuin-run stride, to be specific.
15009 words; reading time 51 min. 2017/04/07
Owned 1: OwnedMalcolm/Clara adult
Malcolm's bit of solo experimentation with bondage has gone horribly wrong. To his horror, coworker Clara appears to rescue him. Clara decides to demand answers to a few questions before setting him free.
3783 words; reading time 13 min. 2015/04/08
Owned 2: ComplicatedMalcolm/Clara adult
Malcolm's first date with Clara, and his first time doing a lot of things. He's as nervous as he ever gets, not that he's admitting it.
4331 words; reading time 15 min. 2015/08/16
Owned 3: Rope MarksMalcolm/Clara adult
Friday night is date night. Also the night when Clara introduces Malcolm to new things.
6017 words; reading time 21 min. 2015/06/06
Owned 4: A Day at the OfficeMalcolm/Clara adult
Malcolm should have known better than to tell Clara about his fantasies, because she's exactly the kind of woman who takes them as a challenge. Now he has to get through a day in Whitehall.
3854 words; reading time 13 min. 2015/05/16
Owned 5: Two Lit FusesMalcolm/Clara adult
Malcolm's been waiting for this night all week. It doesn't go as planned.
4595 words; reading time 16 min. 2015/04/19
Owned 6: TokensMalcolm/Clara mature
The morning after: Clara persuades Malcolm to take a holiday. He isn't sure how to do those.
4357 words; reading time 15 min. 2015/05/09
Owned 7: NeverMalcolm/Clara adult
Holiday mornings, with coffee and croissants and a man wearing her tag.
2533 words; reading time 9 min. 2015/07/12
Owned 9: Brutal MagicMalcolm/Clara adult
The second time Clara spanked him, it was at Malcolm's request.
2251 words; reading time 8 min. 2016/05/14
Owned 8: StorytellingMalcolm/Clara adult
Clara sets some boundaries; Malcolm is forced to do some thinking.
4253 words; reading time 15 min. 2015/10/30
Owned 10: Made to MeasureMalcolm/Clara mature
Clara thinks Malcolm's suits are terrible and does something about it.
2507 words; reading time 9 min. 2016/05/14
Traveling HopefullyMalcolm/Clara adult
Malcolm is returning to London from self-imposed exile on a remote island, but a storm has delayed the ferry. To his annoyance, somebody else is also stuck waiting for the same ferry. She had better not be a reporter.
7788 words; reading time 26 min. 2015/01/18
Morning Eviscerations Malcolm/Clara mature
Malcolm doesn't do things in a sensible order.
182 words; reading time 1 min. 2015/05/13
Not Half Weird Malcolm/Clara mature
Clara has to break some news to Malcolm.
794 words; reading time 3 min. 2015/05/13
Couldn't be helpedMalcolm/Clara/Twelve mature
Malcolm Tucker's second life aboard the TARDIS isn't all about smashing oppressive states. Sometimes it's about sex pollen in canisters.
1456 words; reading time 5 min. 2015/12/27
Second LifeMalcolm/Clara/Twelve mature
They're in their right minds again, and Clara wants to do it again. Malcolm wants to as well, but he wants things he's afraid to admit.
6850 words; reading time 23 min. 2016/06/24