Buffy stands at the edge of the pool at the Hyperion. She's got a hole in her side, and a hole where Sunnydale used to be. 4121 words; reading time 14
min. 2007/12/01
Giles accepts Ethan's offer of a drink. He remembers what happened last time but can't bring himself to care anymore. 1598 words; reading time 6 min. 2009/09/14
Malcolm has a secret: he's not entirely human. Everybody else seems to think it's a blessing, but he knows he's cursed. And he knows he deserves to be cursed.
Banner image by Britt Sabo. 31457 words; reading time 105 min. 2017/04/25
The Watchers and Slayers Society is about to hold its annual holiday party. Giles and Faith are half a world away. 2891 words; reading time 10 min. 2009/01/11
Xander flees to the place Scoobies go when they can't be near the Slayer any more. But the Hellmouth has a few last kicks in the gut to land before it's done
with everyone. 25170 words; reading time 84 min. 2007/05/26
Xander can't sleep the night before the big battle against the First. He needs somebody for a last night on earth snuggle. 2201 words; reading time 8 min.
They're in their right minds again, and Clara wants to do it again. Malcolm wants to as well, but he wants things he's afraid to admit. 6850 words; reading
time 23 min. 2016/06/24
Glen Cullen goes postal at last, and lamps Malcolm with a lamp. To everyone's surprise, when Malcolm comes to, he can't remember the last decade. Or being
with Jamie. 3483 words; reading time 12 min. 2016/02/14
Julius has an angry, tired Malcolm on his hands-- over-tired, hungry, out-of-control. Fortunately they have a ritual that helps in these cases. 22130 words;
reading time 74 min. 2017/04/06
The Doctor snatches Malcolm Tucker off the street before he makes his way to the Goolding inquiry hearing. Why? Fucked if Malcolm knows. Something to do with
the copies of their shared face scattered across the universe. But while they're figuring that out, they've got a lot of time to fill. 1290 words; reading
time 5 min. 2016/03/31
He was starting to feel rationality return. It was, he had to admit, fairly awful to be rational. No wonder he'd fled from it. 902 words; reading time
4 min. 2016/01/16
He was a teacup that could be dropped. He knew it because he'd been dropped before. He was a teacup that had been mended over and over. 3902 words; reading
time 14 min. 2015/12/05
This is what happened in between the Doctor's visit to Gallifrey's coordinates and the meeting in the cafe. 9677 words; reading time 33 min. 2014/12/24
Rose Tyler likes to visit an odd painting in the National Gallery, because its title mentions Gallifrey. One day she meets a stranger there. 1895 words;
reading time 7 min. 2015/10/04