
4 stories.

Owned 2: ComplicatedMalcolm/Clara adult
Malcolm's first date with Clara, and his first time doing a lot of things. He's as nervous as he ever gets, not that he's admitting it.
4331 words; reading time 15 min. 2015/08/16
Owned 9: Brutal MagicMalcolm/Clara adult
The second time Clara spanked him, it was at Malcolm's request.
2251 words; reading time 8 min. 2016/05/14
Dire StraitsMalcolm/Julius mature
Julius has an angry, tired Malcolm on his hands-- over-tired, hungry, out-of-control. Fortunately they have a ritual that helps in these cases.
22130 words; reading time 74 min. 2017/04/06
Pieced TogetherMalcolm/Twelve mature
The Doctor snatches Malcolm Tucker off the street before he makes his way to the Goolding inquiry hearing. Why? Fucked if Malcolm knows. Something to do with the copies of their shared face scattered across the universe. But while they're figuring that out, they've got a lot of time to fill.
1290 words; reading time 5 min. 2016/03/31