
12 stories.

Blackmailgiles/buffy adult
Giles commits an indiscretion, and gets into a spot of trouble. Buffy has a few opinions about that. Mid season 4, before "A New Man".
11447 words; reading time 39 min. 2007/04/05
Polestargiles/buffy adult
Giles is happy that his loyalties and desires finally align. Buffy does not find it so simple.
15077 words; reading time 51 min. 2007/05/13
Rose Quartzgiles/buffy general
A moment of being all Poe together in a cemetery.
474 words; reading time 2 min. 2010/05/01
Les Bijoux giles/jenny mature
Giles thinks too much.
1956 words; reading time 7 min. 2007/09/10
Aftermath giles/jenny mature
The Master is dead, and they all survived. Giles and Jenny celebrate.
477 words; reading time 2 min. 2007/11/26
Confessions giles/jenny general
It's Valentine's Day, and Giles and Jenny don't have the conversation he was expecting.
1465 words; reading time 5 min. 2008/03/08
The Guardians giles/jenny general
Buffy learns about names and magic.
1579 words; reading time 6 min. 2008/04/04
Mutual Society giles/jenny general
Giles and Jenny have a nice church wedding.
2405 words; reading time 9 min. 2007/12/26
Tactical Considerations giles/jenny general
Giles breaks the news to Buffy.
426 words; reading time 2 min. 2007/11/26
A Tragedy In Six Holidays giles/jenny general
Ethan contemplates the ruin of the disreputable Ripper.
684 words; reading time 3 min. 2006/08/28
Apples, Oranges, and Pearsgiles/xander adult
What happened when Xander got thrown out of his house just minutes after he turned eighteen.
14772 words; reading time 50 min. 2006/12/01
Triogiles/xander mature
Giles dreams of the past, and wakes to the present.
1693 words; reading time 6 min. 2008/07/26