
8 stories.

Four Nights and a Revelationbuffy/giles/willow/xander adult
The enjoining spell to defeat Adam has surprising and life-changing after-effects.
9335 words; reading time 32 min. 2006/06/04
Hot water buffy/giles/willow/xander mature
Not everyone thinks these living arrangements are sensible.
4192 words; reading time 14 min. 2006/07/22
Interlude with Blankets: Giles buffy/giles/willow/xander mature
Giles, in pajamas, thinking.
636 words; reading time 3 min. 2007/08/06
Moving day buffy/giles/willow/xander mature
A place with a bigger water heater.
1577 words; reading time 6 min. 2006/06/27
Entangledgiles/buffy adult
The timing is going to be tight, but they should be able to deal with the demon and get back home before the heat starts. Giles is sure of it. Famous last words.
17124 words; reading time 58 min. 2012/07/22
Only OncePeter/Jenna mature
One go, that's the agreement. He gets one go with someone else. Jenna is not surprised, somehow, when he tells her he'd like it to be her.
4029 words; reading time 14 min. 2016/01/05
A Second TimePeter/Jenna mature
It happens again, this time because he's trying to comfort her. But this time, there are consequences.
9120 words; reading time 31 min. 2016/07/23
Joining and Other Puzzling HabitsTwelve/Clara/Danny general
The Doctor will do whatever makes Clara happy, even when it puzzles him. So will Danny.
2695 words; reading time 9 min. 2015/07/27